Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Adapt or Die

Stop moaning.
Make a plan.
And sell it for millions.


Anonymous said...

Shouldnt the title of this post be "adapt or emigrate"? Vote with your feet and all that...

Champagne Heathen said...

Ah, except that emigrating is far too proactive for so many of the people who are on regular timer moans. I don't see them going anywhere... that's what even more frustrating!

Anonymous said...

When u speak of "be a boer, en maak 'n plan" I recall getting a call in bus back home lastnite and it was my mother, informing me of LOAD-Bloody-shedding in our area. Fortunately for me, i was raised le nkgono(Granma) and she used to give us bread and Sour milk(Inkomazi), with a bit of sugar, it did the job. I arranged with her that she go and get my spare keys to get the sour milk and bread from my house as she was babysitting my 2 little girls as they needed be fed supper.

I thought to myself, "Shit, it's already going to take an extra half an hour to get home, fetch them from my mom's place to mine, cook dinner in time for bedtime." if i attempt take-aways, i will be stranded in the middle of nowhere, at night with no public transport.

So, nigga had to make a PLAN! "Inkomazi"will continuosly be my life savor during those load shedding nights in da hood.


Champagne Heathen said...

Jet Lee - I am indeed impressed... see, we just readjust the situation to suit us, rather than get floored by it. Isn't that what is one of the things that is meant to make us so special!

Insane Insomniac said...

My mom says she had to go buy a gas bottle and attatchment so that they can have coffee during the blackouts..loadsheds..or such. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Champagne Heathen said...

Insanity - careful about laughing...if it gets too much for her, you're gonna find yourself sleeping on your own UK couch while she moves into your room! :P