Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Gotta love our Department of Health

This girl moved over from the States at the beginning of the year to work for my company. We became good friends during her brief month in Jo'burg, then she was relocated to rural Angola. We keep in email contact & I still try to catch her up on Southern African background info. I explained Bara hospital in an email to her the other day. Today I received her reply, and one of the paragraphs made me stop.....

"Wow! That hospital sounds fascinating indeed…and quite a bit unfortunate too. So, why is a government hospital so poorly staffed and operated? Does the government not really give any money for it? Is there still corruption? Or do they not even care about the blacks? But isn’t the ANC in charge now…shouldn’t they care about their own people? Tell me what I’m missing here…"

Yes, what is both she & I missing?? Are we South Africans just accepting the completly unacceptable? I am not sure which of her reasoning questions I sway towards. Everyone has their own explanations. Her paragraph here made me realise I am not too sure what mine is. (Poor form considering I am former Politics student!). This "missing gap" in what should be & what is has now disturbed me, and I do think is necessary to work out, considering the nature f my work.

Any ideas?

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