...then go look at the previous post and all the pics. Hell, I didn't waste my 1st day back at work just for not enough people to admire my procrastination "work" of photo uploading. Actually I did...waste away my 1st work day back just cause.
2007 New Years Resolutions:
Ok, to link it to the year, I am going to try for seven.
1. Get my drinking & driving under control.
2. Get more sex than I got in two-thousand-and-sex.
(Some guys please close your eyes at this comment. You didn't read it. I am not just using you for your HOT bodies, uber attractiveness, gorgeous charm, and awe-inspiring skills! You have winning personalities too. I mean you, in singular, have a winning personality. he he he)
3. In yesterday's yoga class I watched the swami guy do a move I want to be at least one spinal notch closer to by the end of this year: You sit on the floor, part your legs as wide as possible, lean as far forward as possible. The advanced guys can then put their elbows on the floor & rest their chins in their hands. The OhMyGawd-now-THAT'S-impressive swami (teacher) can lay his whole torso flat on the floor in front of him.
I reckon this move will also assist me with Resolution 2.
4. (Back again, as sadly I failed on it in 2006) Save Southern Africa from HIV and AIDS.
5. Stop whiling away my work day blogging & emailing mates, and rather actually do more office work, UNISA dumb-stupid-I-hate-part-time-study Honours, and French homework before my teacher releases the French wrath on me.
6. Discover money control, so I actually have the suitable amount to pay for a plane ticket to San Fran to my mate’s wedding, rather than maintaining it as some fantastical idea that will miraculously materialise in the postbox one day soon. And maybe have some spending money after that – but let’s not get ahead of ourselves now.
7. Learn to make sushi. Why? Cause I can’t think of anything else and I wouldn’t mind some sushi right now. Or learn how to make a kick-ass cocktail. Hell, I am just going to say, learn a new incredible skill… hmm, perhaps this can be linked to Resolution 2 in some creative way….hmmmm….
HAPPY MERRY HAPPY and all that!
Hey Champers, don't worry too much about whiling the hours away at work on your first day back. About two thirds of London called in sick yesterday. The biggest sick leave day on record. Granted, I could have taken teh rest of the week off myself. Anyways, have an awesome new year and lets hope you can keep those resolutions.
hey compliments of that season to you, glad to see that you are resolving to be extremely and resolutely ambitious in 007 - bon courage.
Happy happy Champs,
As for whiling the fist day away, where does one find that quality time to delete a holidays worth of spam?
Nice resolutions. One of mine has to do with finally quitting drinking for a while.
And on the sushi thing - methinks we should organise a make sushi evening. I was fortunate enough to receive a brief lesson while away, although by the time the end of the night arrived, I'd drunk way too much champagne and I'm not so sure if I can remember anymore. But it could be fun. I have a house, dinner table...
Insanity - And a gorgeous year to you too! The problem is it is my 2nd day back & I have some serious work to do before the boss (and a European office) get back next week. Although I have successfully wasted this morning as well.
Numero - Complimentary complimenting to you too! I'm doing what in James Bond now??! Merci Monsieur et Bonne Annee pour toi, aussi!
Guinnie - how was the holiday? Good to see you survived it! "Fist" day...uh oh. I find "shift" "highlight inbox" hit "delete" button worked wonders!! And cheers to a lovely year to you too!
Jams - you're on. I'll pull some of the fish out of my mom's pond & bring the rice and we'll see what we can concoct!
No drinking for awhile? Even on Fridays? Surely not, that is the holy day and no silliness should therefore happen on such days!
"fist" either it shows my frustration, or maybe its just lisdeksia creeping in.
Had an interesting holiday, all I can say in public ;-) but think I need a holiday now to recover. At least I have another liver or two.
Apparently the PnP at Randburg waterfront (bright water commons or whatever they renamed the place after the odd snuff movie victim washes up) has good fish for sushi. Just ask when the fish came in.
Get the Swami to give you private lessons. may sort out 2 & 3 in one ..um..shot.
At least you've not tried to give up drinking lik Peas.
I'm gonna love remining everyone of their resolutions at various junctures during this year.
Merry, happy, festive, drooly, shaggy, drunken 2007.
The year 2-00-7 bond girl, the year of the boar (i'm a boar, lotsa fun to be had with that word) anyway the chinese new year is on the 17th Feb, and we can all revisit those resolutions when it arrives.
Hey Champs
Been making this kick ass Cocktail the last few days for anyone who wanders in my door in a hungover haze. The in/famous Mojito is a very simple thing to make
Sugar/Monins mojito
Lime(but lemon will do)
White rum (Depends on the hangover)
Muddle it all up in any glass with a "Muddler" and fill with ice(Crushed if you must) and top up with soda. sip and enjoy.
Hope that helps you out. Keep up the awesome blog in 2007.
Harvesting organs, now that sounds like a good idea. Just got to find a bath of ice.
"Hope you are feeling healthy soon!"
I drink to that......
Buying pretty fish is a start, however my sushi making experience has taught me well to just pop into Yo. I always leave the rolling to others.
Guinnies - you have two extra livers and it was a very good publically-non-utterable holiday. Have you picked up harvesting organs as a holiday hobby?? Hope you are feeling healthy soon! If I ever get to that neck of the woods (Randburg Fake Mall Front) I'll send someone else in to organise fish buying. I'll just say, "uh....I want the pretty one".
Revo - good to see you can get back onto the blog! And you came with the same mindset. I would've hate to have seen your holiday wipe such a thing clean!
The swarmi is even a little too old for me!
If I gave up drinking, what would I then have to call myself. Never fear, I will never make such silly resolutions. Only ones that can be kept until at least after lunchtime!
Yes, interested to see how long hers lasts!
And exactly the same 2007 straight back at ya!
Numero - ooo, good idea. Let's see if we can make it as far as Feb! You're on, Boar Boy!
DaveRich - you came back! Thanks for the blog compliment! I am wondering which pub to stumble into on that favourite street of mine for such a cocktail. And whether you haven't seen me stumble in 1000 times already over the silly amount of years I have been throwing my name in those parts!
Excuse the confusion there, my slowness today shows that I made quite a slip up somewhere in my comment and had to repost it.
Guinnie - I am becoming disturbed by where you have this links so readily stored!!
A drink to both of us & health! Cheers! Plus, don't you still owe me drinks!
Yes, but apparently my Resolution #7 means I have to learn a skill that involves rolling of some form or another!
Repost comments. There is me thinking that I somehow managed to perfect time travel in my hungover state.
A drink, any time. Like I said I have some spare livers, so just say when. Like they say, you can lead a horse to water, but a Guinness Pig will drink.
Resolution #7... here is a suggestion. Stick to Nigiri. There are far more interesting things to roll. You could even resolve #2 (roll in the ... hey leave the rest to your imagination)
Guinnie - you are still hungover? Man, does ANYONE in this town other than about 6 people work??
Good to see you think like me on some things!
And on that note, I am off to yoga to continue the detox process... and then to find some sushi!
That's the idea! :)
The only Thai-Vietnamese Restaurant on the strip, ask for the manager and if I am around I'll set you up with a cocktail.
Aah, you guys have the best beef sizzling dish!! That's all I ever eat there cause I just love it too much to try much else.
And those white & black chocolate (is it mousse or ice cream) balls for dessert.
I will be sure to! And hopefully you are the only manager, cause I'd have no comprehensible clue how to explain who I am asking for otherwise.
I am the only guy manager there. It is very gooey mousse balls. Glad you like the beef.
That should be easy enough. Hopefully though some dodgy chick does not rock up posing as me. I'm the hot one. ;)
And I most definitely have stumbled and bounced in and out of that restaurant many many a time over the years! Gawd, actually, then I hope you don't recognise me!
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